
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Locomotion gets 1st, but finishes 2nd

NAWILIWILI — Locomotion, owned by Dr. John Myhre, looked to be the sole leader heading into Nawiliwili Harbor Friday afternoon during the 2012 Kaua‘i Channel Race.
The Andrews 45, staying well ahead of three masts visible on the horizon, appeared to have the Nawiliwili Yacht Club 2012 Kaua‘i Channel Race in the bag.
That is, until she neared the Ninini Point buoy when, from behind the bluff, Kalewa, a 50-foot catamaran owned by Kevin Millett, appeared and barreled down on the monohull.
Both boats were at the easterly 15-20 knot winds and at the finish, Locomotion sounded the horn a scant nine seconds ahead of Kalewa, Locomotion logging an elapsed sail of 9:05:18 chased by Kalewa at 9:05:27.
“Following a 100-mile race, a difference of nine seconds is a really good race,” said Doug Gibson of the NYC Race Committee who recorded the finishes from the jetty wall area after the flotilla of 19 boats left Kaneohe at 7 a.m. Friday.
Locomotion corrected to 12:52:13 PHRF, good for second place in the PHRF A class, relinquishing her early lead to Trois Amis, a Kaufman 39 owned by Frederic Berg who crossed on a 10:28:54 elapsed sail and corrected to 12:37:01 PHRF for top honors in the PHRF A class.

Locomotion gets 1st, but finishes 2nd

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 Year Clearance Celebration!

Hard to believe I missed the date, but there is a previous post, "Friday, June 18, 2010-And then there were NONE!" that I was ecstatic about with the completion of all my treatment-In pain but we were done. 

Today, July 10, 2012,  I am suddenly giddy ecstatic again and didn't even expect it!

I went in to see the ENT for my scheduled 3 month follow up and after a few new tests, she proudly announced, again thank god, that everything looks great and we ran one more test.  Later here this afternoon she went on  very excited herself with those results to inform me  "You have cause to go and celebrate!  You have surpassed your two year anniversary with flying colors and that is the time frame that most concerns me for any type recurrence of your type of cancer and you have NONE-go grab Lisa and toast to your good health!"  Well I cant go get Lisa as she under the weather and has the boys but I find myself somewhat euphoric so going to go get in a swim on this beautiful Hawaiian afternoon and have a glass of wine at sunset!

Didn't expect this but boy does it feel good I admit!  Not to worry-I'm not done with my check ups-Its rather a comfort to have someone checking up on me every few months so I already have my appointment set for October but this is a milestone I like!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Make that 2!

WTH- Make that twice today Im sending this out.  Not a great week!  Prayers and blessings to all!


Sorry-had to log on here to forward my link and see I haven't had any updates so as long as I'm here-A quick vent as been a crappy week!

First off, I'm just fine-had the flu-that sucked, got sick earlier in the year but this was a full blown doozy of bug-however, I'll take that any day over the "sick" alternative right.  Work showing signs of life and been doing some great racing as we learn the boat.

Now to the vent-Got a frantic call from my mother yesterday afternoon asking how fast I could get to her house as my Aunt took a terrible fall.  Pam and I jet out of here and get to her house to see a sight I haven't seen in 10 years and made me nauseous to be honest.  To drive up and see all the Emergency vehicles all lit up outside as all I could think of was the last time...the day we lost Dad.  Anyway. I pull in behind the Ambulance and get upstairs to find my Aunt had tripped and fallen breaking her leg with a compound fracture of her ankle.  Off to ER-broken in 3 places and in obvious need of surgery.  The pain of resetting an injury like that and the fact they let us stay in the room was awful-A double dose of fentanyl or not, it was hundreds of times worse for her I know!   As bad as that is, I wake this morning to a message of a very successful surgery and things all good.  So under the circumstances that is terrific news.

I must say, there were some things going on in ER that are memories I wish would stay as such-The sounds, the questions, the smells, the pain, the memories YUK!  Have I mentioned how much I dislike Hospitals!

I then get in and check my e-mail.  Here I find a dear friend sending me a message she not going to be making it back here as she had hoped for any of our 30th reunion festivities coming up in June-A diagnosis of her own that has her in the same position I was back in January of 2010-Confused, scared and overwhelmed at what coming at her so quickly.  Hence my need to log in here and as much as I so hate to forward this to a dear friend for their own use, I do in the hopes it may be of use to her and her family.  Unfortunately I've had to do way to many times in the past few months but this particular one generated my vent.  Sorry

Jeff out

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A rash and itch is really nothing compared to the scare that cyst prompted earlier this month but I must admit I am getting a little concerned nonetheless. I've developed a really annoying rash on my neck and chest-ironically right in the area of where my radiation treatments took place. Coincidence???

It started a few days after my second MRI as well as a long offshore race on Saturday where I ended up getting a bit of a sunburn. It was quite bad for a few days and was more welts than rash. At the time I was attributing it to a combination of those two things. Here we are two weeks later however and it is still irritating-very itchy and uncomfortable. Fortunately I have a dermatologist appointment on Monday as at my last follow up with that Doctor back in January, he noticed a small basil cell that needs to be removed. At the time it was a non event so he just scheduled it to be removed at our next follow up her on Monday. In the interim however, it too has grown larger and become quite annoying itself so of course my brain playing all kinds of tricks to any association to any of this.

If it isn't one thing it's another all of the sudden. GRRR!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Unnecessary Stress but a reality check as ALL G!

ALL CLEAN!!!! Mahalo everyone for your thoughts and prayers but it is now official-this event has been a non-event and I'm happy to say I STILL TAKE PRETTY PICTURES and all G! interesting find but negative on what matters most! Now that was some stress I don't care to repeat yet it is interesting how instances such as this tend to give you a bit of a slap in the back of the head on reality and your own mortality and remind you maybe things spinning a bit too fast and I need to remember to take things slow and literally.

We kind of knew this Friday but it has still been a bit nerve wracking awaiting the results but turns out the only incident of concern was my challenge in the MRI Tuesday. The resulting reports from this second scan show this to be a non cancer related issue of any kind!!! There most certainly is a cyst like mass formed under my right clavicle however it does not light up and that is A GOOD THING!!!! Upon further review, we find there has even been previous mention of it in some of my previous scans. Apparently Ive had this for some time as we have now also been able to detect other shoulder and rotator cuff damage and scaring from a previous shoulder injury........That's awesome news of course under the specific circumstances as only concerned with the stuff that can kill you yet it makes one wonder as I've never had any prior shoulder injuries to speak of. Sure with years of volleyball, paddling, surfing and swimming, Ive had my share of stingers but nothing that ever put me in an ER or a sling like I was so good at with knees and ankles-LOL. Apparently however, i have in fact done some significant damage over the years and he actually suggested I go see my Ortho. I have absolutely no difficulty nor pain so when the Ortho calls me, and he will, this ought to be interesting.

Anyway the bottom line here is after a week of stress and reminders, to hear him say "everything looks great and see you in 4 months" never sounded so good and took a huge weight off said shoulders! Off for a swim-might as well exercise and stretch it a bit right! LOL

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

That was a first~!

Never pushed the bail out button before!

Had my shoulder MRI today and they were very busy-A lot of Corrections guards so must have been prisoner day but they put me in the first machine that opened up-not the normal beast I'm used too and I swear this is the kiddie machine-I didn't know they made them that small and I didn't even fit. My feet were off the end, they had to wrap me like a mummy with my arms at my sides and hands coming over my stomach and I still barely able to slide in. The top of the tube so close to my face too that I admit I think I actually had a bit of an anxiety attack. I'm usually nor claustrophobic but this one freaked me out and I had to push the button and have them get me out for some air-very unsettling feeling. Uuggh. They fit me with a very small mirror as a regular one wouldn't fit and I was able to finish the scan but that was a first.

Anyway-the specific areas have their pictures and now I sweat it out a bit until I meet with the Doc on Thursday to hopefully put this little speed bump behind me!

Back Thursday

Friday, March 30, 2012

Don't do that again please!

A less that pleasant 24 hours for me folks and an incredibly anxious morning here but this may have been an unnecessary scare.

I missed the call while in the shower getting ready for work. I called back within 3 or 4 minutes and he was on the phone. I obviously have been overly anxious and scared to be honest, so missing this call was not what I wanted to do. This kind of uncertainly and fear can make the brain a very busy creative machine, and not for the best in this case. Ive never ever broached the thought of having to deal with this again.

Long of the short is I've been pacing the house all morning never letting my cell phone out of my sight and called back twice. Finally, here it is lunch and we finally talked-Here's the deal and we can pretty much take it as a big sigh of relief!

Granted not completely out of the woods BUT-the general consensus here from him, the radiologist that reviewed the MRI originally as well as my ENT is that it is probably nothing more that a calcium buildup or cyst. The fact that he learned I never broke my collar bone nor tore up my shoulder playing volleyball didn't make him happy as that pretty much rules out calcium from previous injury. That, and the fact it didn't show in my September scan so he's going the cyst route. The radiologist feels all is fine but says we can do a targeted scan of the area to get a better look so we're ordering another MRI for me next week Tuesday that focuses on the areas of interest in the shoulder to ensure instead of assume.

I'M OK with this train of thought.

Need to breathe and relax through this process but sounds like the most prudent course of action just to be safe. From there he may go in and drain and/or biopsy. He very positive this is no big deal and a non event but we'll go through the process to be sure.

WHAT A RELIEF and I'm very confident be even better by the end of next-Again keep you posted

Thursday, March 29, 2012


SHIT! First speed bump ever!

Ive been quite anxious for the past few days-something I saw in the mirror while being scanned last week been nagging me and guess that intuition was right. The Doc walked in this morning as it was my follow up on last weeks scans-I instantly feel something not right as he is usually quite festive yet this time very serious asking how I have been. He was going to call me back in February as he got a copy of my blood work from another Doc visit and apparently I was showing really poor numbers and anemic. So wehre was that call????? We quickly determined that vampire visit was done coming off the flu I had earlier in the year and as today's blood is fine, that one was dismissed.

The problem lies in my MRI-There is a mass about the size of a marble that has been detected under my right clavicle near the socket and he not pleased.


He read the radiologist report that implies that it could simply be a cyst as it didn't light up but he showing concern-Will call the radiologist and compare all my pictures and make a determination of what is next and promises to get back to me tomorrow.

I'm not a happy camper-I haven't has so much as a blemish on any of my scans since this ordeal was completed. Admittedly scared as hell right now and the anxiety isn't good for me.

Stand by!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time for another photo op!

Well six months must be the magic number as going into the Biq Q this morning for another round of scans. The Doc's ordered another full work up before my next follow ups with them starting next week-Time for the earphones and headphones to try drown out the incredible noise these MRI's make-Not looking forward to being locked up with all the head gear to be honest but at least they have a mirror so I can see out-Too much deja vu to the dungeon during treatment! YUK. Little anxious of course as no reading until the Oncologist next week but I'm off!

Wish me luck!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Been a while but Im still here!

Well its been even longer than I thought and had a few difficuties rememerbing how to navigate around. Anyway, figured it out so as my Aunt Lee was recently in town and asked that I try keep up with this a bit we go! First off-it may be February already but Happy New Year! I hope everyone's 2012 off to a good start. Hadn't realized it had been since October since my last post-I did say that no news is good news so wouldn't bore anyone with the trivial aspects of daily life and apparently I haven't-LOL although that is a good thing. That said, I did just go in for my first real check up this year with my ENT. I had an Oncology check up back in January but that was just to kick the tires-he won't have a real follow up with new scans for a few months yet. The ENT visit however, a big poke and prod session, the whole arthroscopic scope through the nose and down into the back of the throat....charming I know BUT has to be done and what truly matters is it all checked out with flying colors-She continues to be very pleased. She still keeping me on an 8-12 week leash for follow ups though mid year, then she may extend put to every 6 months. We made it past the 1st hurdle of the first year but she very good on keeping tabs for the first TWO years before she feels comfortable stretching out the follow ups. I'm still OK with this thank you.
We spent much of our visit talking about opening day tomorrow as it is the opening of our racing and boating season here. Not only does she have that beautiful catamaran I mentioned last year, we too have a new race boat to play on this season (pictured) Hehe! Locomotion, and considering I sail with a clinical psychiatrist, the name couldn't be more appropriate! There is a brunch, parade of boats through a blessing and then we'll go have ourselves a buoy race off Waikiki. Now that she getting more acclimated with her new toy and already had plans to take her boat out with some friends and relax, she got all excited about the event and going home to talk to her husband and see if they can get into the parade festivities. They will probably forgo the race portion of the day but we're all looking forward to a Saturday on the water!
With that, I'll be signing out as the important info duly reported! Ill try be back before another 3 months pass! Have a great weekend!